A Robust Defence of Western Culture

Immigration is the battleground for Western Culture. Leftists say there’s no such thing as white culture. Therefore, there’s nothing to protect from mass immigration. They feel we need to import culture.

I can’t decide whether such Leftists are ignorant or lying to further their own warped ideology. A lot of both, probably.

However, to counter such bone-headedness, I have created a list of cultural achievements of the West. My definition of ‘The West’ is Europe and places of European descent such as North America, Australia and New Zealand.

Fashion – there is no doubt that Western Couture, both High and Low, is the dominant fashion style in the World. The world has adopted Western modes of dress.

Fine dining – Michelin restaurants, cook books, cooking programmes. The West has taken cooking to the next level.

Science – The West has been more successful at understanding the world around them than any other civilisation in the history of the world. We identified the elements in the periodic table. We took man’s understanding of physics, chemistry, maths and biology to new levels. Europeans have dominated the scientific Nobel prizes.

Exploration – The inquisitiveness of the West lead us to navigate the globe. As such, we colonised the New World and Australia and New Zealand. We charted the Arctic and the Antarctic. We mapped the world. Oh, and we put men on the moon. Then we explored the solar system.

Inventions – We invented airplanes. And cars. And computers. And steam engines. We harnessed electricity. And nuclear power. We put man on the moon. Some more: touch screen devices, the internet, telescopes, the internal combustion engine, the light-bulb. There are quite a few. Pretty much every device that constitutes the modern world was invented by the West. Telephones, radar, radio, television…there are just so many.

Christianity – we have our own religion in the West that has underpinned our success for almost 2,000 years. Christianity provided us with a moral framework that we stuck to fairly rigidly. This framework gave us a unity of purpose and behaviour that kept us on track and nurtured social cohesion. The decline of Christianity has led to the splintering of our moral code and the destruction of social cohesion.

Art – The West, starting with the Greeks, took art to new highs in many mediums – sculpture, painting, metal-work etc

Architecture – Again, it started with the Greeks, with Classical Architecture, and has progressed to Romanesque, Gothic, Early English, Decorated, Perpendicular, Renaissance, Baroque, Modernism, Post-Modernism. The West leads the way with architecture.

Separation of Church and State – The West led the way in separating government from the church. This is critical to creating a government and a legal system that isn’t hide-bound by religious dogma. It allows, in theory, government to make practical decisions.

Law – Because of the separation of church and state, the West has been able to develop robust, equitable legal systems. For example, we developed jury trials where a man’s guilt is determined by 12 of his peers rather than by a politician or a religious leader. Other non-Western countries, such as Japan and India, have subsequently adopted jury trials.

Democracy – The word itself is Greek in origin. European Democracy is a thing of rare beauty in the history of mankind.

Gardening – Think of the formal gardens of French, Italian and English stately homes. Think of the progress in horticulture made in the West. My non-Western neighbour doesn’t give a shit about gardening : his entire garden is laid to lawn – no flowerbeds, no shrubs, no trees – and he pays someone to mow his lawn. Westerners have made gardening their own.

Liberalism – Does this exist anywhere else?

That is Western Culture. And if some snivelling Social Justice Warrior tells you that whites appropriated everything from other cultures, tell them that just proves our superiority: we can make better use of things other cultures don’t know what to do with.

Published by Atticus Fox

I took the red pill

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