I’m Done With The Conservatives

I’m done with the Conservatives. 10 years now. They’ve had every chance to instill proper conservative policies and they have failed every time. They talk the talk and then nothing happens. The only worthwhile thing they have done was Brexit (and that was an accident).  There is nothing else I expect them to deliver because I have realised they won’t stand up for British people and British history and British culture. Nor will they confront the woke mob.  Nor will they tackle TV news bias or Ofcom’s new hate speech regulations.

The police have turned into a liberal joke under the Tories. That is not going to change now that only graduates can become police officers.

The Tories have been in government for 10 years but they haven’t been in power. That honour goes to the liberal left that is dominating the culture wars. What a wasted opportunity. I  won’t be voting for the Tories again. That’s my pledge. #nomoretories #mypledge

I wrote all of the above as an angry post on social media a couple of weeks ago in response to some new failure of the Tories to stand up for Conservatism (I can’t remember what it was now). I stand by it. Basically, the Tories are not challenging the woke agenda that is dominating political debate. They are the Progressive-lite party. They will take us to the same end point as Progressive maniacs, like the left wing parties of Labour and Lib Dems, but we we will arrive at the destination slightly later.

I cannot see that Conservative policies are going to help the working class people of this country.

Some examples:

Zero carbon: This policy is going to hit the working class hardest. It will cause energy costs to shoot up. Petrol cars will no longer be available from 2030. This will push up the costs of driving which will also hit the poorest. I imagine that taxes on flights will be levied. We know that the minerals required for batteries are becoming increasingly hard to find which will lead to hikes in the cost of batteries and the associated effects that will cause.

Hate speech laws: the Left are mad keen on such laws. In response the Tories repeatedly flirt with the idea despite the fact such laws trample all over the right to free speech which used to be the cornerstone of any Liberal Democracy.

Update 18 March 2021: The Tories are going to add women to the list of groups protected by hate crime laws. This means that the only group not protected by hate crime legislation will be white men.

Transgender identification:

Theresa May tried to bring in rules that transgender people could self ID as whatever gender they wanted and that is how they would be treated in law. Boris has moved away from the idea but it’s only a matter of time.

ID cards: Tony Blair tried to implement identity cards when he was PM but couldn’t carry enough support. Now, when faced with a bad flu season – i.e. Covid19 – the Tories are pressing ahead with the idea:


Big Tech: Big Tech grows ever more censorious in its assaults on free speech. The Tories have had 11 years to kerb its excesses. They have done nothing.

Legal Immigration: Tony Blair opened the floodgates on immigration promising to “shove diversity down our throats”. Since 2010, the Tories have down nothing to stem the tide. In 2010 David Cameron promised to bring the annual immigration figure down to “tens of thousands” per year. However, in the year to March 2020 total immigration by non-UK citizens reached 633,000. Home Secretary Priti Patel announced that post-Brexit, immigrants to UK would need to earn >£30k so that only skilled workers entered the country. However, in Feb 2020 that requirement was reduced to £25,600. Is that a salary a skilled worker would receive?

Illegal Immigration: illegal crossings of the Channel, by dinghy and by vehicular stowaway, have escalated in recent years. Priti Patel, the Home Secretary as of writing, makes frequent promises to : a) put a stop to this activity and b) find a way to deport those illegals that have arrived in recent years. Patel’s sounded tough and determined, at first. However, over time as her credibility has collapased, she has responded by making her pronouncements ever tougher to the extent that, today, her threats ellicet merely an eye-roll and a shake of the head

Cancel Culture: Right wing voices are attacked for cultural transgressions and non-alignment with group think on a regular basis. They are deplatformed. They often lose their job. Example: Toby Young. The Tories never stand up for these people. Silence, in this case, equals “we’re scared”.

BBC: Boris Johnson said during the 2019 election campaign that he was looking at abolishing the BBC licence fee. This was a wonderful piece of news. Needless to say, after the election the message changed. He’s going to give the BBC another chance.

The Police: The police have become a joke over the last 10 year. They are more interested in street dancing at Pride Festivals and investigating ‘incorrect’ opinions on social media than they are in preventing or investigating genuine crime. However, the Tories have implemented a rule change that guarantees absurd behaviour from the police for decades to come: the Tories have decided that, from 2021, only graduates can become police officers. Which means that the police are going to be inundated with over-educated, metropolitan twits that love to dance at Pride festivals and chase down ‘hate crime’. The police are going to become completely disconnected from large portions of the commumities they serve. It won’t end well.

Policing Bill: Authoritarian measures to control public dissent

Online Harms Bill: Clampdowns on Freedom of Speech.

I will continue to add more examples. It won’t take long.

Published by Atticus Fox

I took the red pill

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