Quotes on Democracy

‘Britain’s Populist Revolt’ by Matthew Goodwin in Quillette 3rd August 2018 Between 1964 and 2015, the percentage of politicians in Westminster who had worked in manual jobs crashed from 37 to just 3 percent, while more recent research has shown how the rise of ‘careerist’ politicians, particularly in the Labour Party, lowered the amount ofContinue reading “Quotes on Democracy”

The Differences Between The Left and The Right

My children are reaching the age when they need to gain a deeper understanding of the world in which they live. They certainly need to know about politics. An understanding of politics leads to a better understanding of the self since knowing how you stand on political issues will highlight those issues that are importantContinue reading “The Differences Between The Left and The Right”

Articles I Love

Some articles are so good, they cannot be quoted. Rather, they must be read in their entirety. Herein are such articles…. 1) How the Left lost all purpose – UnHerd: https://unherd.com/2019/10/how-the-left-lost-all-purpose/?tl_inbound=1&tl_groups%5B0%5D=18743&tl_period_type=3 2) Great article here by Roger Scruton, written way back in 2000 would you believe: https://www.city-journal.org/html/bring-back-stigma-11807.html 3) This one is a great summary ofContinue reading “Articles I Love”

The Unrequited Love of the White Working Class

Isn’t it strange that the white working class are the most patriotic of people when, it could be argued, their country has done very little for them. Yet it is the middle class, specifically the liberal middle class, who have benefitted so much that hate the UK the most. I used to find a lotContinue reading “The Unrequited Love of the White Working Class”

Brexit is not about the EU. It’s about Class.

We have reached the point where Brexit isn’t even about the EU anymore. It’s turned into a good, old-fashioned class war. The EU was the catalyst but the war we are seeing fought day-in, day-out on social media, is a war between the middle class and the working class. The upper echelons are venting theirContinue reading “Brexit is not about the EU. It’s about Class.”

My argument for Brexit

I had a wobble during the weekend after the referendum result was known. I appeared to be on the wrong side of my demographic group. I’m a young (a-hem!), middle class (a-hem!), good-looking (a-hem!) university graduate. The demographic analysis suggests I should have voted Remain. Yet I was adamant that, right from the start, IContinue reading “My argument for Brexit”

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