It’s All Connected

20 years ago the 2 main points of concern facing a British adult were: 1) The Budget and… 2) whether the Bank of England was going to raise or lower interest rates. The budget was the annual accounting ritual performed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in which we learnt of what additional duty (tax)Continue reading “It’s All Connected”

A Black Pill Predicts

There is no coming back from this journey we’re on. Even if we were to avoid all the totalitarian traps that have been set for us – the digital ids; the CBDCs; the social credit system; the vaxx mandates; the 15 minutes cities; the censorship that will protect us from ‘disinformation’; the Net Zero; theContinue reading “A Black Pill Predicts”

But Things Would Be Worse Under Labour…

I keep hearing right wingers defending the miserable track record of the Tories by saying “But things would be worse under Labour”. No, things wouldn’t be worse. How could things be any worse? The country is barrelling towards the black hole of the New World Order. Don’t think for a minute that Labour has anyContinue reading “But Things Would Be Worse Under Labour…”

The Differences Between The Left and The Right

My children are reaching the age when they need to gain a deeper understanding of the world in which they live. They certainly need to know about politics. An understanding of politics leads to a better understanding of the self since knowing how you stand on political issues will highlight those issues that are importantContinue reading “The Differences Between The Left and The Right”

Articles I Love

Some articles are so good, they cannot be quoted. Rather, they must be read in their entirety. Herein are such articles…. 1) How the Left lost all purpose – UnHerd: 2) Great article here by Roger Scruton, written way back in 2000 would you believe: 3) This one is a great summary ofContinue reading “Articles I Love”

The Unrequited Love of the White Working Class

Isn’t it strange that the white working class are the most patriotic of people when, it could be argued, their country has done very little for them. Yet it is the middle class, specifically the liberal middle class, who have benefitted so much that hate the UK the most. I used to find a lotContinue reading “The Unrequited Love of the White Working Class”

Wokeness as Religion

Wokeness is the new sensation that’s sweeping the nation. Its adherents are young and earnest. They have captured the moral high ground from where they sermonise the rest of us (or throw stones at us). Wokeness has many parallels with religion in these Godless times. It’s probably not a coincidence that the weakening hold ofContinue reading “Wokeness as Religion”

I Come To Bury Tommy Robinson, Not To Praise Him

Tommy Robinson is the EDL leader. EDL are a bunch of football thugs that added racism to their repetoire. Tommy is the guy that bangs on about the evils of Islam the whole time. Everywhere that Robinson goes there’s trouble. He attracts trouble. He should stop antagonizing Muslims. He should let them pursue their cultureContinue reading “I Come To Bury Tommy Robinson, Not To Praise Him”

Quotes on Nationhood

Pat Buchanan ‘Islam’s Conquest of Europe’ The Unz Review, Sep 8th 2015 “Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide,” wrote James Burnham in his 1964 “Suicide of the West.” Burnham predicted that the mindless magnanimity of liberals, who subordinate the interests of their own people and nations to utopian and altruistic impulses, would bring aboutContinue reading “Quotes on Nationhood”

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