A Conversation With a Farmer

I recently had an opportunity to talk to a farmer of my acquaintance about her feelings for the future of farming in light of the UK government’s current overhaul. She expressed concerns but also felt that changes were needed. Later that day she forwarded me an email that she had recently received from the PathwaysContinue reading “A Conversation With a Farmer”

A Black Pill Predicts

There is no coming back from this journey we’re on. Even if we were to avoid all the totalitarian traps that have been set for us – the digital ids; the CBDCs; the social credit system; the vaxx mandates; the 15 minutes cities; the censorship that will protect us from ‘disinformation’; the Net Zero; theContinue reading “A Black Pill Predicts”

Quotes That Prove There Is Nothing New Under The Sun

During this time of fear, mistrust, uncertainty and authoritarianism I am finding historical quotes to be both revealing and comforting. Reading the words of bygone figures reminds us that there is nothing new under the sun: any tension we are experiencing now has been experienced before. We can take comfort in that. Human history moveContinue reading “Quotes That Prove There Is Nothing New Under The Sun”

Socialism Works And So Do The Vaccines

People often say “Socialism has never worked” but that is just a matter of perspective. Socialism has always worked just fine for those at the top. It’s just always been a disaster for everyone else. When I refer to Socialism you can rest assured that all other systems of centralised government, such as Communism andContinue reading “Socialism Works And So Do The Vaccines”

Autopsy of an Argument Between An Extremist And A Moderate

On a Friday night in late September I had a fierce argument with a mate. I use the term ‘mate’ deliberately: he is not a friend. He is not someone I’ve ever phoned for a chat. We’ve never gone for a drink, just the two of us. Instead, this man is part of a widerContinue reading “Autopsy of an Argument Between An Extremist And A Moderate”

Left is Right And Right Is Left

As a right-wing person, I have always supported the institutions of the UK: the police; the judiciary; the government and the royal family. I felt that these instiutions were part of what made our country Great. These institutions have a legacy dating back hundreds of years which meant that they were ‘fit for purpose’. IContinue reading “Left is Right And Right Is Left”

The Covid Inquiry

The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has announced that a public inquiry into the government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic will begin in spring 2022. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/uk-prime-minister-johnson-announces-covid-inquiry-in-spring-2022/2239076 I suspect that certain areas will be off-limits to the Inquiry. I’m not optimistic the inquiry will investigate the following: 1) whether the benefits of lockdowns in terms ofContinue reading “The Covid Inquiry”

Everyone Who Is Uncomfortable About The Direction The West Is Heading Is Anti-Government

There are increasing numbers of people, from across the political spectrum who are increasingly bewildered, if not furious, at the direction taken by Western Governments in recent years. What do we have in common? A complete and absolute disillusionment in our governments. The ‘classical liberals’, who vote for Right Wing parties, want to be leftContinue reading “Everyone Who Is Uncomfortable About The Direction The West Is Heading Is Anti-Government”

This Many Red Flags Is Not A Coincidence

A ‘red flag’ is anything that arouses suspicions in you that something isn’t quite right. It suggests a disconnect between what you know and what you are being told. If you spot something that conflicts with your real world experience, that’s likely to be a red flag. In this post I’m going to list aContinue reading “This Many Red Flags Is Not A Coincidence”

They Had Their Chance And They Blew It

If rumours, conjecture and evidence are anything to go by, the plan to use a pandemic to enslave humanity wasn’t supposed to happen for another 5 to 10 years. I have linked to another blog piece – not mine! – that provides an excellent summary of the many occasions in which the opportunities provided byContinue reading “They Had Their Chance And They Blew It”

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