The Lockdown Iceberg Cometh

Around the time in March 2020 that lockdowns were imposed in response to covid, an Iceberg meme was widely shared on social media. The picture conveyed the message that lockdowns were going to have all sorts of negative consequences that were being ignored in the myopic focus on covid deaths. There was no cost benefitContinue reading “The Lockdown Iceberg Cometh”

Safety Is Not Free

The film ‘Team America (World Police)’ features a song with the lyrics: ‘Freedom is not free, There’s a hefty ferkin’ fee’ The message, obviously, is that being free and remaining free involves costs, often in the form of sacrifice. Historically, some people have martyred themselves in the name of freedom. I’m not aware that anyoneContinue reading “Safety Is Not Free”

A Black Pill Predicts

There is no coming back from this journey we’re on. Even if we were to avoid all the totalitarian traps that have been set for us – the digital ids; the CBDCs; the social credit system; the vaxx mandates; the 15 minutes cities; the censorship that will protect us from ‘disinformation’; the Net Zero; theContinue reading “A Black Pill Predicts”

The ‘Greater Good’ Is The Psychopath’s Fever-Dream

There is more and more talk being filtered down from the higher echelons of the Power Structures about projects initiated for ‘the Greater Good’. They are referring to ‘utilitarianism’. Rosa Koire refers to it as ‘Communitarianism’. Utilitarianism is defined as follows: ‘Utilitarianism holds that the most ethical choice is the one that will produce theContinue reading “The ‘Greater Good’ Is The Psychopath’s Fever-Dream”

Quotes That Prove There Is Nothing New Under The Sun

During this time of fear, mistrust, uncertainty and authoritarianism I am finding historical quotes to be both revealing and comforting. Reading the words of bygone figures reminds us that there is nothing new under the sun: any tension we are experiencing now has been experienced before. We can take comfort in that. Human history moveContinue reading “Quotes That Prove There Is Nothing New Under The Sun”

Thank You For This Award, I’d Just Like To Thank…

There aren’t many people that are eligible for the Vaxx Achievement Award I have displayed here. As time passes, I am ever more thankful that I didn’t succumb to ‘the jab’. As the meme says, ‘Lots of people regret taking the jab, nobody regrets not taking it’. But what was it about me that ledContinue reading “Thank You For This Award, I’d Just Like To Thank…”

How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love The Great Reset

It seems that everyone wants to overthrow ‘the system’ these days. However, the disagreement lies in what follows the overthrow. Some people are thinking Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ is the perfect ‘oven-ready’ replacement to our bloated, corrupt capitalist system. So I thought I’d take a look at what Schwab is promising. After all, it couldn’t beContinue reading “How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love The Great Reset”

Socialism Works And So Do The Vaccines

People often say “Socialism has never worked” but that is just a matter of perspective. Socialism has always worked just fine for those at the top. It’s just always been a disaster for everyone else. When I refer to Socialism you can rest assured that all other systems of centralised government, such as Communism andContinue reading “Socialism Works And So Do The Vaccines”

Why Government Discrimination Did Not Work This Time

I’ve written before about the discrimination tactics that were used by the authorities in order to coerce people into ‘volunteering’ for the unlicensed, experimental gene therapy treatment. I’ve also written about the argument I had with a mate in September 2022 who still felt that the unjabbed should be denied medical treatment and access toContinue reading “Why Government Discrimination Did Not Work This Time”

Left is Right And Right Is Left

As a right-wing person, I have always supported the institutions of the UK: the police; the judiciary; the government and the royal family. I felt that these instiutions were part of what made our country Great. These institutions have a legacy dating back hundreds of years which meant that they were ‘fit for purpose’. IContinue reading “Left is Right And Right Is Left”

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